Journey Through Time

By Sue

Playing with Mistakes

I can't say that I did this on purpose. I turned the dial the wrong way and ended up with an overexposed picture of leaves. So, I did some experimenting with the iPhoto settings and came up with this artistic rendering. I am fascinated when photos can end up looking like paintings.'s either this or nothing artistic leaves it is. The weather was okay this morning but it is becoming breezy and rain is on the way. It's does that here.

Bill and I ran an errand and then got our little Christmas tree. Bill cut the end and it is soaking in a big bucket of water. The tree lot is run by a young lady who is paying for her college. That's pretty cool. Good for her. Her dad and brothers were working the lot also (she was in school) and her little brother was learning the ropes. He earned his tip and he was happy. Maybe they home school, as this boy wasn't in class...hmmm, didn't think of that until now.

So, off to do some house cleaning and organize for dinner. Don't know if I can stand the excitement.

Have a good day, Blip Buddies. The weekend is nearly here.

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