Journey Through Time

By Sue

A Great Blip Day

Today is a good blip day because the sun is shining and this brings out our birds. I stood outside for quite a while and the chickadees were happily darting about, getting the sunflower seeds. There were quite a few Chestnut Backed Chickadees along with the Black Capped Chickadees taking turns at the feeder. There were our resident song sparrows who were interested in the bread crumbs I had put out. This one even sang a pretty song for me. All the commotion brought in a House Sparrow which we don't see all that often. And all the while the little female Anna's hummingbird is zipping around the yard, checking things out and enjoying the new batch of sugar water I made for them.

When it's like this I LOVE to take pictures and share with you.

Must go get ready as Bill and I have an errand or two to run. The warm shower will feel good as my feet got cold standing out there. But the sun sure is nice after those gloomy, dark days.

Hope all is well my blip friends. Take care. OH! Check out a year ago, right after I got my new camera and we went to Steigerwald Wildlife Reserve in Washougal.

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