
A few years ago I flirted with making some sourdough bread. I followed Paul Hollywood’s recipe for producing a “starter”. It bubbled ok, but I thought it smelt funny and although it did make bread that rose, I lost confidence (and interest).

I blipped Furbie examining my Christmas present from my sister-in-law - a book called Brilliant Bread. Well, I tried again with the sourdough.

I tried the starter. It bubbled, but got funny layers on top and didn’t seem right. I took his advice and threw most of it away and “refreshed” it.

Yesterday I thought it resembled pictures of healthy starters on line. So - I tried again.

Mix. Leave for 30 minutes. Knead. Leave for 6 hours. Shape. Leave for another 4 hours. Bake.

I was quite pleased with the result. Hence my blip. In the future I may never get one that even vaguely looks right. It tasted good too.

It isn’t something to do all the time but yesterday I could go out and take photos at Calke Abbey and later get other things done while it developed.

And I’ve booked myself on an artisan bread course for next May.....I may never be a star baker, but I’m having fun.

Enjoy your weekend.

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