
By Beewriter


It was another busy day.

I put the photos of Tony Robinson on the website but I was about to finish when the network went down....I had to wait for ages for Leon to get it back and then redo some that hadn't saved. I was panicking I had lost it all and wasted a couple of hours work, but fortunately most was still there...phew! I had made a list...and only managed to get though a third of it. I love my lists, you can't have too many, it is a great feeling crossing things off. If I do something extra I will add it to the list just so I can cross it off! I will try to cross everything off tomorrow.

It was then a mad dash to get photos of early years and the infants before they went on the stage and then get in the hall and take some pics of the plays. A few of us went to the pub for a quick tea before going through it all again with the juniors. That's it now though for another year.

I haven't had an Advertiser delivered yet so I don't know if my pic is in. I will find out tomorrow.

As I have 'flashed' through the afternoon and evening I thought a pic of the flash reflected in this eye was an apt blip for today.

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