
By Beewriter

Frozen Angel

"If you see a torch flashing around in the back garden don't worry, I'm just playing about with light photos."
"Thank goodness you told me, I was thinking of phoning 999."

I have just spent an hour outside flashing my torch on and off trying to draw an angel with light. I thought I would warn my neighbour as we are both pretty vigilant. I want to make my own Christmas cards and I'm experimenting with a few ideas.

I wanted to draw the body with a torch and then draw the wings with a sparkler. In theory it was easy, in practise it was a nightmare. The torch has a fiddly switch, then the matches wouldn't light. I decided to turn the gas ring I hit the button on the camera, drew the angel with a torch, ran into the kitchen and lit the sparkler then rushed out and drew wings. The sparkler took too long to light and I nearly broke my neck on slippery, wet leaves. I abandoned the sparklers.

I drew angel after angel with the torch and slowly froze so I decided I'd done enough for tonight.

The Advertiser was delivered tonight and they have printed both pics I sent, so quite a few children will be pleased.

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