
By Beewriter

Spontaneous Saturday!

"I'm loving this. First you kidnap me then I end up doing a Morris dance in the middle of the street."

I went on a little jaunt to Lymm Village today as they were having a Dickensian Christmas. The whole village was filled with stalls, there was a magician, Punch and Judy, stilt walkers and so much more. I'd received a text from Jude asking if I was in for a quick cuppa, but when she arrived I dragged her off to Lymm instead. We almost turned back as we came off the motorway because we hit a traffic jam as the world and his wife went to Salford Red's Stadium. Trust me to go when a match is about to start.

I don't know Lymm very well but we managed to find somewhere to park and then followed people into the village. It was mid afternoon by the time we got there but it was still in full swing. People were dressed up in Victorian costumes, it was great fun. We had a hot chocolate to warm us up and a bag of roasted chestnuts. Jude bought a wreath for her front door, I don't like them as I think they are funereal, but each to his own.

I saw a family who used to go to school but moved to Hale in the Summer, it was great to see them again. Then I bumped into Sue from is a small world. Sue was with her partner, he plays guitar for a group of Morris dancers and they were gathering volunteers to have a go. Jude got a stick and joined in, it was hilarious fun. This is a pic of her being swung around.

I went to Urmston Book Shop in the morning with Pat. I rang her to see if she was 'playing out' today and I mentioned I was thinking of a trip to the shop and she said she would be with me in five minutes. It was a mad dash but I was ready and went. The book shop had organised the visit by Tony Robinson and I'd said I would email them some of the photos I'd taken. I took them on a memory stick your face, give the personal touch, make the connections.....the guy I'd met on Wednesday wasn't there but his wife was. She was thrilled to get some pics and it was great to see the shop. I love a good book shop, I especially love a book shop with a teashop in it. We decided to have a cuppa and a cake...which we didn't have to pay for....oh I love making new connections.

As Pat was dropping me off home we noticed the butcher was doing a hog roast outside the shop....well spontaneity was the word of the day so we had a hog roast barm, yummy!

A lovely, lovely day!

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