Chicken Dipper??

WOW...what a buzz! I did it, I did the Big Chill Swim!

I am riding high now, it was such a fantastic feeling. I went down to the Lowry early because I knew it would be horrendously busy...there was a Victorian Market on, United were playing at home, there was a matinee performance of War Horse and of course the big swim.

The endurance swim was first, swimmers did nineteen lengths. Everyone just climbed down the steps and got into the water without flinching, I was trembling inwardly as it can take me ages to edge into the sea. As soon as all the swimmers had their shoulders under the water the horn sounded and they raced.

Next came the penguin swim, this was the only race that wasn't timed. There were lots of Christmas hats worn for this. I just loved this woman's chicken. Then it was the breast stroke race. I was really nervous by then but I got changed and went to the waiting area. We walked round to the water in our coats and then the starter said his favourite line, "Ladies remove your clothes." He chuckled every time he said it. There were only four lanes, but only two swimmers in my heat. Then came the moment I was dreading...actually getting into the water.

I just went straight it, I amazed myself really. A hardened cold water swimmer had given me some advise...breath out as you get in! It was so cold, six degrees, and I was so nervous that I completely forgot and took a big gulp of air. It was the worst thing to do and it completely took my breath away. Thankfully the other woman took ages trying to get in and I managed to regain some sort of breathing control. The horn sounded, I swam like my life depended on it and that was it...done!

There was hot ribena...which I usually can't stand, but it was wonderful. I climbed into a hot tub and drank it. We were shaking with the cold and the exhilaration of it all. We all thought the ribena was lovely, one woman had thought it was mulled wine. It's funny what cold does for you ha ha ha.

What a fabulous experience....and I came fifth!

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