As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Mile Repeats

I know this is a bad picture but whatever.

Physics test today wasn't terrible. 12/15 right, class average 11. I'll take it. I found out that I will be participating in Challenge Day on Tuesday (you'll find out more about that next week). Nothing much happened until practice. Today was the dreaded mile repeat day. I honestly don't hate them, but I wish we didn't have to do them on the track. We had to do three with four minutes rest in between. My pace was supposed to be 5:20, but I hit 5:18, 5:24, and 5:22. It wasn't as bad as we were expecting, but it was still pretty bad. After practice I went to tutor for a bit, and I spent the rest of the night staring at my computer screen. I'm pathetic, I know.

Word of the Day: Quench - To slake, satisfy, or allay (thirst, desires, passions, etc.)

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