Sunny Side Up

Eric had a waffle and an egg for his birthday breakfast at Milo's Cafe this morning. We've lost our Sunday-morning-walk-to-breakfast spot in Kenton, and haven't found any place else we like AND can have a nice, long walk to, so we drove to Milo's on NE Broadway for our breakfast outing.
We both enjoyed the drive, though you can seldom say that in Portland anymore as there's usually way too much traffic. But today, at eight in the morning, traffic was very light. So was the sky with a bright sun and not a cloud in sight. I was driving, but at a certain point Eric asked, "What's your hurry?" He was right, there was no hurry, so I slowed down and we continued at a nice, slow pace, enjoying a pretty and peaceful morning.
It reminded me of driving in small cities in North Dakota, like Bottineau or Rugby: wide, paved streets, few cars, no hurry, crisp, sunny, and cold with a brisk wind.

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