Mail to Messy

By Horomaka

Red Shed

This old shed on the Halswell to Tai Tapu Rd is another one of those 'capture on the way home' blips. I've been meaning to stop for some time, but tonight the low evening sun and moody sky combined to make it a little more interesting than the rather flat light we've been experiencing recently.

When we converted our woolshed, this shed's colour was a bit of an inspiration. We always wanted a red shed of our own, but somehow along the line we decided on plain zinc instead. I'm glad most of the time, but when I see a nice red farm shed in the right light it does make me wonder how it would have been.. Back then of course was before the spate of arson attacks that left this shed burnt, but yet somehow still standing. It would seem it takes a lot more than a well aimed match to take this shed down!

It's been a strange day weatherwise, so here's hoping for more settled stuff over the weekend. It'd be nice to have some good blipping weather...

Enjoy everyone!

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