Gitama's World

By Gitama

A Twirly Whirly Tree & Some Intriguing Events

Its been another big day at Casa Day…….we started off really early…(before the sun started to bite) to do a few tying up things in our shit fight….garage. We ended up 4 hours later sweat dripping down our faces packing the car with things for the Charity shop.
When we were trying to get some semblance and order into the garage …moving the stuff to and fro…from here to there and I saw all the stuff I had….things I have collected over the years from the many countries I have been to….art stuff…photos…..journals from my Uni days…etc..etc…most of it pretty good stuff as you need to know I have pretty good taste in stuff….so…its hard to get rid of.
Then I got to thinking about the job Jaiya would have if I were to suddenly pop my clogs….I need to get rid of stuff…lighten the load….but that is a hard thing when one is a creative type and the beauty is seen in it all….especially if its something that can be reworked into something fabulous…I think you. Know where I’m going with that…sigh!

We came in for some breakfast at 12 noon….when I checked my phone…besides a few messages there was a friend request from my darling Friend who passed nearly 4 years ago….it kinda knocked me about a bit….I still miss her….and I didn’t understand what was going on….Identity fraud?…thats what I was told it could be……I just ignored the request.

The next thing that happened was …..I got a package in the post…Jaiya signed for it…. it was a cord for an iPhone ….that I didn’t buy or order it……very strange…I looked all over the package to send it back and there is no return address or any indication of where it came from???????? Anyone had anything like this?
I went on line and it has happened to others and there is the fear that it can be credit card fraud…Im not sure how that happens but I think I need to keep an eye out for strange goings on on my bank card….not that there is much to pilfer really…..but it would be rather ordinary if somebody did create nasty things with it.

Its that time of day when I will turn into a zombie mindless person and seek out my chair for a was lovely down by the river this afternoon.....had a bit of a play with the tree.

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