Tin Can Travel

The last Christmas present! Christmas has now officially been declared over for 2018. It had almost disappeared but a few presents still lurked where the tree had been, waiting to be taken to my brother and family.

I visited my mother today and meet up with Alan and Debbie for lunch. We exchanged Christmas gifts in the car park just before we all departed. I brought back more than I took as I have the ones intended for my daughters and their families; they will be passed over tomorrow. The fancy tin is currently full of chocolate cookies and is well worth keeping, probably in the MH.

And, finally, all the Christmas decorations are now back in the loft. I really will get on with packing tomorrow for our holiday.

Mum is a poor old girl now, greatly deteriorated since I saw her just before Christmas. I am not sure she really knew who I was and she was asleep most of the time I was there. In the end, I didn't stay long as there was no point. Conversation was non-existent even when she was awake. She can't hear because her hearing aids are lost... Again! She can't talk very well because her teeth have gone along with the hearing aids and she can't string a sentence together now. Old age can be so cruel.

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