
'V' is for 'Valediction' R jr's sweet little A suggested the title because we had to make it start with a 'V'!! ;-)

The school closed for the long summer holidays today!! Whoohoo!!

The principal invited me yesterday, but said she'd understand if I can't come because we all expected I'd be as sick as last time!! But, praise the Good Lord!! I am sooo weak and my heart is really tired, but the excrutiating pain, headache and nausea are still absent, let's pray it will stay away, since the Dr gave dufferent meds to use for those symptoms this time around!!

C helped me downstairs and at school J (MyMagicKingdom), and our deputy head Primary School, Erica, assisted C in getting me to a comfy chair at assembly!! What a privilege to share this last assembly with the 300+ people I adore!! Certificates and orchids were handed to us, the 3 Admin staff members, as well as gift hampers etc to the auxilliary staff and merit certificates to learners in various categories, we bid farewell teachers leaving us and welcomed new ones joining The MCS, by then I was wasted, so, C and I excused ourselves before all was done!!

I rested the whole afternoon and really feel sooo content, despite being desperately tired!!

Looking forward to becoming stronger day by day!!

ThankUAll for support and love!!


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