Candles Everywhere!

I think another trip to Ikea is in order for the many many more tealights I will be requiring before the festivities are over!
I have had a very productive day today: I hogged a table for an hour in the new posh John Lewis Espresso bar, nursed a pot of tea and wrote most of my Christmas cards. I bought tons of cheap kiddy wrapping paper to pass on to Santa for the Little Misses' pillowcases, I bought the last few presents I needed, posted my cards (easier said than done to find second class stamps in Milton Keynes!), I ran amok in the pound shop and bought paper chain kits, window stickers, sellotape and dispensers.
So for the first time ever - and completely out of character - I feel as if I'm almost ready for Christmas and can actually enjoy the build up rather than getting more and more stressed and rushing around right up to Christmas Eve.
Miss E's swimming lesson was hilarious this afternoon. They were learning breast stroke legs and it was quite a sight to behold!!! Like a load of frogs on speed!!

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