Some moments are golden...

.... but nothing could have prepared me for this.

I took this photo this evening while walking the dog, got back, lit the fire and settled down to have a cup of tea, do my blip and enjoy a quiet evening....

To set the scene, let me take you back to Monday... remember this?

I never lock my door until bed time, friends can walk in anytime. There is no door-bell so this evening, I was alerted to a surprise visitor by the canine early warning system.
There, in the hall, was a man with long hair, clutching a delivery slip. The dog continued to bark, but her tail was wagging. I trust her judgement.

"I'm so sorry to bother you...." he said.
It was at that moment I noticed the necklace and pert pair of breasts as she was wearing just a T shirt and jeans ( brrr not in my home!!)

"My sat nav has brought me here, I'm looking for Amazon, in Hemel Hempstead."
"This is becoming all too frequent, I'll watch you turn round and give you directions" I said, pulling on my coat and boots.

Whereas the lorry on Monday had reversed up the farm track, this one had pulled in, and would have no chance of turning round in the narrow lane, in the dark.

"I'll have to open the gates so you can drive to the farmyard to turn round."
"Thank you, you are so kind" she said in her deep brown voice.
"No problem" I said.
"If everyone did one good deed for a complete stranger every day, the world would be a much nicer place." He said.
I had the urge to give him a hug, but couldn't fathom out whether it was because he was sensitive and kind, or whether it was because she was vulnerable and I felt empathy.

I kept my hand in my pockets, until, having turned the lorry round, she drove off in the right direction with me waving happily and her flashing her lights.

Good luck, my new friend. What courage you have!

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