Tales on Tuesday

Another very quiet at home sort of day, with a 'to do' list of not much more than feeding neighbours cats, and taking Gentle to the vet for update vaccinations for all potential pussycat infections.  Photo shows Caitlin's boy Mehtap, waiting for me to come and let him out to play. 

Inactivity was largely encouraged by the fact that when I got up this morning, the aching shoulder I have had for the last few days exploded in to something running from neck to wrist - tendonitis or trapped nerve ? - making it excruciatingly painful to do anything involving my right arm, (including using the lap top!) so once again I am plunged in to physical malfunction. Minimal relief from exercises courtesy of you tube, life certainly has been a bit of a trial of late, health wise.  Meanwhile, stitches from recent leg haematoma surgery will be taken out on Friday, so looking forward to a forever long bath on Friday evening - with wine and candles and netflix on the iPad - before heading off to Holland with colleague Sean and seventeen students on Saturday morning.

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