the play date

met up with Mrs B and Little Mr B for lunch and a play date in the park. The place was deserted this time so we were able to squeal and scream our heads off, much to the delight of the four year old.

Off to work at the football tomorrow :-(
Followed by an early Christmas meal with Miss F :-)
Before she heads home to the land of Oz for the hols :-(
Then back to work on Monday :-(
and that High Court case that I have to give evidence for :-(

(only 1 happy face, that's not too good)

For the Advent followers - a little Lego American Footballer. I have named him Troy (it seemed appropriate), you may see him at some point soon

At the moment I'm chilling at home in front of the box watching Back To The Future - what a classic.

Happy weekend blippers x

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