
I'm in real danger of wanting to spend more time with a paperback novel I acquired from the library than this photography business! So while my daughter was at her Chinese class today I was holded up with said book on a very comfy chair, rather than out and about in the damp grey weather.

So today's photograph is a bit of faux photojournalism courtesy of my daughter's Christmas fair this afternoon. Not exactly hard work capturing this event. This is our daughter getting her nails varnished and glittered up courtesy of this lovely lady. We gave her five quid to spend as she liked at this fair, and I think she was a bit overwhelmed by our unexpected generosity because she only spent £2.

I also made my acquitance with the talented 'bits and pieces' at this fair, but she spurned my offer of her portrait to grace my blip entry today. Of course, she may have regarded this as a very lucky escape...

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