With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Little lambs

After another definitive win at home (15-0), we picked up Agu's friend Lorien and went up the Coll to Pau and Isabel's olivar for a lesson in chopping wood. They all had a go at wielding the axe. Apart from the three Alsations herding us up, a great big ram and his rival, their hareem and the lambs needed feeding. It's sheep farming in a different way.The flock live there all together as a fanily. I've never seen such a BIG ram (in all respects!) in Mallorca and we had to be wary even though he had no horns. He has a bashed ear, an extra long beardy growth right down his front and a purposeful look in his eye...

Back at our ranch, the boys settled down to play nicely and I made cakes. Some for us and a big one for Pau and Isa in return for the four bags of wood, which should mean I can light the fire more easily now, for which I am extremely grateful.

I'm going to cook some more now. I was left feeling shocked after some sad news about a local friend this morning and need to get rid of some panicky feelings in one of my most effective ways. A visit from a dog tomorrow will help too.

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