Tools of the trade

We have a new branch manager at work he started in the new year. He has been sorting out a few things and having a tidy up. The other day he said the office was looking rather tatty and could do with a lick of paint.He was correct as I dont think it has been done for at least 10 - 15 years maybe even longer. He had made a start and  today a couple of us set about  getting some more of it done as Friday afternoons are normally not so busy. While cleaning the brushes I had been using at the end of the day I decided to take a quick shot of them and play around with the shot with some focal zoom. 
After all the hard work I think I deserve a couple of beers so a quick walk to the local is on the cards , I think I have earned them.
No work in the morning but i do have a new sideboard to build tomorrow thatwe had delivered yesterday. Have a good weekend everyone  

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