Yesterday at the care home, the carers suggested some calming C.D's for first thing in the morning, when Jeanie gets distressed, (a hoist is used to get her up as she doesn't weight bear,). I bought a new player and then visited a charity shop for the C.D's. An old friend of Dad's still volunteers there, so I had a long chat with him; somehow we got on to Dad's war time memories of him being on fire watch on the post office roof, and about bombs being dropped  on the Bagshot Road where Dad lived. Then I went to the care home and set up the player in Jeanie's room, with a variety of 4 discs, Choir Boys, flutes, Aled Jones hymns, and Neil Diamond. I sat with her for a while before lunch, again she was nearly silent and distant, closing her eyes often. I brought her T.V. away as it has broken off it's stand.
Back home for lunch and a few home tasks.

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