Life In Wales

By KarenC

Three Hundredth Blip!

Where have the last 300 days gone? The time has flown since I joined the Blip Community and I've made so many friends and have been fortunate to meet some of you.

I started my journal so that I could look back on my year, and what a year it's been! My daughter got married, my father, aunty and uncle died, my daughter got pregnant and early this morning I'm flying out to see her in hospital as little babba is threatening to make an appearance already!

Thank you all for your comments, stars and hearts - I can't believe that I've blipped for 300 consecutive days, some have been easy and others have been difficult to find, but so far I've done it. Only another 65 to go - but then I very much doubt I'll stop, as it's become an addiction. Everywhere I go, my camera goes too - I've learnt so many tips from being on Blip and also with the support of Alan who I say is my Art Director. The days I struggle with choices I mither him for help, if I can't think of a title I ask him, and most of all he's so patient when I keep stopping to take a photo :-)

I saw these three little Christmas gnomes last weekend, and firstly thought they were ideal for our Christmas table as we will be three (Mum is coming away for Christmas with us), but then I instantly thought of this blip. Alan shook his head when we were in the shop, but today he's helped me cut out the numbers from photos I've taken, and positioned the gnomes for their photoshoot.

Anyway I must go to bed as it's 1am (the earliest blip I've done I think), and I have to be up at 6.30 to head for the airport. My blip on Monday will be very late as I'll be at the hospital all day and won't arrive home until 11pm, so I'll catch up with you all when I can.

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