That face!!!

This is the little face that now greets me in the morning!!!...

Shame is was dark when I had to get up though!!! But Bella settled really well last night and only woke once at 4.30 am but settled after 6 minutes or I fell back to sleep and didnt hear her!!!! Then she woke at 6.30 so I got up to see her!!!

We have had a great day. She learnt to sit already and manages it 100% of the time with a treat ready. She's started to return a ball but only if she sees where its thrown and I have started on the "paw" and "lay down" command. She's such a quick learner and I know Im going to have such a great time training her.

Unfortunately she did have a little accident where she ran into the open dishwasher door. She yelped and ran to her bed shaking. It took quite a while to calm her down despite the distractions I was trying to offer but after a little sleep, she seemed to have forgotten all about it.

Her next drama was having to put a collar on!!! I gave it to her to play with first but didn't like the on and offs while I was trying to get the size right. But again, after a little sulk in her bed, she seemed to get used to it really quickly.

But then my drama was taking her to the pub!!!! After just 3 days with us, Mr W thought it would be a good idea to go and meet a friend with a bloody great huge German Shepherd. I really wasn't keen on the idea and had been worrying about it all afternoon but actually - she was an absolute dream. After an initial shiver, shake and piddle (all over us!), she settled and lay play out on my lap and actually flirted with the Shepherd!! I took a blanket and piddle pad so she didn't actually put her feet to the floor and all the other dogs have been jabbed so I knew she would be safe and I was keen to keep her  socialized with dogs and it all turned out really well.

Back home and Bella had a right proper tear about the garden in the wind and she looked pleased to be home and familiar with her new surroundings. 

I am so in love with this amazing little creature. She is just perfect. 

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