Hay You!

After a slow start to the morning, the rest of the day has been relatively busy doing jobs.  Whilst planning my food shop, I ended up emptying the fridge to give it a clean, threw a few things away, and organised everything while I put it all back. I then went to the supermarket, and from there I went straight to the gym - I needed to burn off the weekends' excesses! 

On my way home I cut through Saltdean rather than driving down to the coast road as that route takes me past this field of horses.  The field is on a slope and quite often the horses are at the top of the hill, but today they were down at the bottom as they were at the hay feeder, so I pulled up to get some photos.

Once home, I re-stocked the fridge, cooked the Sunday roast, washed and dried the bedding then re-made it, and now it's time for Dancing on Ice on catch up.

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