The Pursuit of ....

By Amroi

one last sunset in The Sandput

Today is my last day here, so the DesertCamel and I did a sunset dash for one last island blip. We were running a bit late, but had our spot pre-picked out. Ironically, there was a song playing on the radio in the car with the lyrics "chasing the sun".

My brother and I spent some quality time together this morning. We thought we would go to a new centre that has been advertised all over as Kim Kardashian was here for an opening. We couldn't find it though, so ended up returning to a spot closer to home for coffee. Then we met DesertCamel and a friend for a farewell lunch at a salad place. I did not know that salads could be so interesting! (And the menu is an iPad).

Thanks for a lovely holiday DC and N!

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