Return to the North

By Viking

Right time, right place

Headed out early for a walk today as the weather is due to close in this afternoon, bring rain, sleet and possibly snow. The light was atrocious for photography but I persisted and got a few OK'ish shots. Also met a couple of ladies from the village who spotted the camera bag and asked if I was the lady who posted shots on the Facebook residents page. I said I was and we had a lovely chat about walks, photography and the village :-) I was 2/3 of the way round the 4.5 mile walk when I met them and I was bemoaning the poor light. AS I neared home I heard the cacophony of sound that suggested geese were close by! As I looked up in the distance I saw thousands taking flight from a local field. AS I carried on they were higher in the sky but basically turning round to head back to the same field. AS they did so they were flying past the sun. Camera out of bag pretty darn quick to capture this shot. Quite chuffed with it - pointing into a rather wintery sun and straight out of the camera

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