Thawing (Day 1366)

For the first time in a while, I took the woofers for their morning wander up the hill. The sky was overcast, and there was drizzle in the air. Our short lived snow was beginning to melt.
Back at home, I spent a little while sorting out the back of the van before my beautiful wife took a trip across to Stromness to check up on the horses. The view across to Hoy was well worthy of blip number 2190 which counts as another milestone (more of that later).
With the horses dealt with, HV and I returned home for lunch. Later HV took the woofers for a wander whilst I headed off to deliver an invoice for the bathroom re-fit. I returned home with a wodge of cash. 
HV was due to fly off to Glasgow this afternoon, so I took her to the airport, returning home via the bank. After a quick turnaround at home I zoomed out to deal with a little job, and was asked to return next week to do a few other jobs for the customer.

Although my blip birthday is actually a couple of days away, this is effectively my sixth year on blip. 
When I started blipping, a fair number of people told me that I would never manage to keep going for a year. I'm still here and blipping every day. Blip has, and continued to be, a wonderful supportive place which plays an important part in my life. Although I don't comment on other blips as much as I should, I am thankful for all the fine friends I have met in this special corner of the internet. You guys are fabulous.
I have posted some pictures of which I am quite proud, and I have posted some which are awful. Each one is a memory of a day, and (I think) follows the blip ethos of "saving your life, one day at a time". Blip has been here for me in the best of times, and helped me through some of the darkest.
Thank you, everyone.

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