Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli


I believe I have mentioned in a previous blip that my current employer was once a household name in the field of cement production. A direct result of that is that it owns the freehold to a number of former quarries. When a quarry is exhausted of its valuable minerals it becomes the perfect location for landfill, which is why my employer has diversified into waste management. Not only landfill, but also refuse collection, recycling and energy production. We have a parent company who also owns a regional water utility, and my office services all of them.

January has been an exciting month! At our most North-Easterly outpost we have had a fire on a landfill site, requiring significant quantities of water, clean enough to put it out. (Not all water is quite pure enough to put out a fire). And at the same time, at our most South-Westerly outpost, a monster “fatberg” has been discovered in the local sewerage system, which, just like the fire, will require a vast quantity of safe water to disperse it (as well as human beings wearing hi-vis working inside the sewer hacking away at it manually with picks, just as coal miners once did).

So the parent company has put out a call to all staff to volunteer to help out the charity WaterAid and I have applied to clean the toilets at Glasto'19.

It might not be as magical as cycling across Costa Rica and there's a good chance my application will be rejected. I can but try.

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