
By SilverImages

Westminster Cathedral

"Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays."
Soren Kierkegaard
Woken at 7am by  the phone, K2 is heading in to meet us for breakfast. She has work before another afternoon session at the theatre in preparation for this evening's performance. I'm exhausted so how she does this beats me. Victoria market for breakfast and quick catch-up before walking with her to work nearby; we go back to the hotel for a snooze for an hour, then head up to Euston to have a look around Friends House, the Quaker "HQ". We also grab a coffee and have time to join the short meeting for worship before heading back to Victoria for our afternoon bus, via Westminster Cathedral where I meet a Brazilian tourist keen to practice his English. It's an interesting place to people watch and my eye was taken by a woman heading in to the cathedral, just what I needed for today's Blip. Snow forecast for later so return journey fraught, wondered if we'd be back in time to get home before the snows hit. Snow had started as we approached Newport, another short bus journey and into the chippy for tonight's supper, overheard it was "throwing it down" up on the ridge at home. Fortunately still clear when we piled in about half an hour later. Duvet day tomorrow.

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