
Knowing today would be a blipversary I thought it warranted a little effort so I checked the forecast (-4C) and thus fully expected to go out first thing and find a frosty macro shot. Macros tend to be my forte; excellent plan.

But no! Ha ha! Jack Frost laughed, and skipped away past us last night!

And so to plan B: a visit to RSPB Rye Meads, just 18 mins drive from home, somewhere we used to visit often but not in the last few years.

It was a delight, with perhaps ten hides, offering views across lakes and reedbeds. Tbh we didn’t see anything particularly unusual but a pair of elegant swans swam close as we ate our picnic in the sunshine. I’ve put the synchronised pair in extras but my main blip has a little more sparkle.

So there we have it: I’ve blipped for four years without a break. Sometimes on a dull day, as you all know, it can be trickier, but there’s always something, and most often it’s in the world of nature. Blip has taught me to look harder and to be patient. A blip always comes.

Blip has also taught me that there’s a lot of lovely people out there; supportive, kind and generous. Thank you all, in particular for your recent understanding of difficult times, and for sticking with me despite my sporadic commenting :-)

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