Life through the lens...

By ValC


The postman delivered one of my favourite catalogues today.
The quality of the paper, photos. colour combinations and flowers in Sarah Raven’s catalogue is beautiful.
Some wonderful ideas for the garden. Makes me wish mine was just that bit bigger.
I am certainly tempted with this sweet pea collection.
I love sweet peas, but haven’t had much luck in the last few years, especially as I have to grow them in pots.
However I am going to give them another go, and this Vintage Silk Sweet Pea Collection looks and sounds just what I like as it says
“ the most powerfully scented”.
I hope they will be providing me with a few blips this summer.
I am also going to buy a couple of dahlia tubers and some gladioli corms.
Just have to decide which ones, as I like them all. ( another page of the catalogue on extras)

So much warmer today. Up to 9C and some sunshine.

This afternoon I had the dresssing removed by the nurse. The wound has healed well. Difficult for me to see as it is at the back of my neck.

Looking forward to tomorrow!

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