l u c k y . 1 3

By erincamilleee

Last night I had one of those nights when I just can't get to sleep. Erg. So I was tossing and turning then all of a sudden I remembered something from when I was in 2nd grade. . . I remembered going school clothes shopping; i don't know if we did it before that year but this is the first time i remember ever school clothes shopping[: ..... so I was remembering how I got all of these skirts; and they had matching tops. I remember the design and texture and look like it was yesterday. Also, how I was so excited to wear them every single day! I don't know why but it just popped into ma' head. It kinda made me sad though. Don't know why. . . buht whatever[:

At school I had a really good day. I laughed so friggin much! Uhm, in science we had a test.... I thought it would be super easy n I would slam dunk it.... buht I have no idea, I don't think i did bad though.

Hm, after school I cleaned at B&G's. Makin that cash money! Or "makin bank" ...... I took this picture cuz it looks so cool

So now I feel kinda really really sick. Blegh de Blegh de Blegh. ...... Oh, tomorrow we have to take the stupid unfuntastic scholiosis test. Nobody is excited. . . . . Erg. <----- better to get it outta da way I guess though.

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