
By Hillyblips

In a Stable

Putting my hand into the shredded tissue paper in the nativity box thinking baby Jesus was going to be born again for another year, I brought out this! With a bit of a shriek and jump I dropped it, not initially knowing what I'd handled!

No wonder the dogs had been going bonkers round the box brought in from the garage which did have the giveaway entrance hole in the corner! Our alpine style stable, reindeer moss and tissue had made a lovely snug home for the mouse family! ( starting to sound like Kate Humble in Springwatch here! !!) They had been there a long time by the looks of it. I had given the box a bit of breathing space giving any inhabitants an escape window, so was not expecting anything to jump out unexpectedly - which it didn't.

Apologies for the slightly macabre blip - especially when you consider I had chased a blackbird round the fruit cage and robin round the birdtable this morning.

Apologies too for being slow in commenting - we have massive problems here with one thing and another and it is Christmas with family descending but in fairness that has paled into insignificance. I will get round and it does matter to me valuing every comment but there aren't enough hours in the day! I am on the planet but may take a while getting back to everyone! Loving all the Christmas blips coming through!

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