New Boots

New boots, bovver boots no less, on the coffee table. What would my mother say! Very unlucky dear, at best! But I am not superstitious, well not very and this was the handiest place to display them. I really wanted forest green ones, but so apparently did all the other people with size 37 feet and as these were the only colour left in the sale, cherry red they are.

What a day of nasty weather. Rather than get soaked and blown to bits, I took the bus into town this morning to buy some dips and crisps for tonight’s soirée in Portobello for yet more Big Birthday celebrations for Oman daughter.
The flat she has is small and many of the family will be there so I’m not sure how long I will stay. I will be wearing my new boots. Elegance is not a word in my vocabulary.
I have added a photo of the flat before it was too busy to see the fireplace!

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