O the Cat Came Back, He Couldn't Stay Away

A little gray kitty who belongs to one of the neighbors sometimes likes to come visiting. His name is Stryker, and he is especially fond of sitting on my husband's lap on the front porch. What a pair they make, the two of them hanging out together so peacefully. One man. One cat.

The last time we'd seen the kitty was a few weeks ago, just as one of the big snowstorms started. It was to snow for two days and then drop us into the vortex of cold, cold temperatures. When the kitty disappeared for a while, I was hopeful his parents had kept him in because of the weather. But we worried. Of course.

Well, the cat came back on this day! I opened the front door in the morning and heard the jingle of the bell on his collar. And then he jumped up on the porch to give me a proper hello. Oh, and what a glorious greeting he gave my husband, leaping four feet into his lap, where they stayed, just like this, for hours. Man and cat, together again. Welcome back!

The song: Lee Moore, with The Cat Came Back.

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