Small but perfectly formed

I've blipped this before but I'll blip it again for I love it! Yes, empty and abandoned, full of rotting mattresses and hay bales but what a little charmer. Built around 1900 to a standard plan in an attempt to offer better housing to labourers, you can spot them all over the place. Two rooms and possibly something up in the roof. It's got a few snazzy features, the decorative stonework around the windows, the central chimney but it's missing its original windows and door. A fine view too and a bit of land. It could still make a very pleasant little home. This is  another variant on the same theme.

Nice but cold today between the hail showers and I have been in the garden wielding my new secateurs. I hate gorse - well I hate too much of it and it's brutal to hack back. I love sparrows though - they are so social and so noisy, a constant chirruping going on in the bushes. That's about it really. And I had a siskin on the bird feeder. 

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