Entertaining Angels, Perhaps

Well, we had three young ladies in the end, Cláudia, Maria and Inês. The numbers kept changing, glad we left the table laid until they arrived, and just had to remove one setting. This was the starter, scrambled eggs with garlic and the chopped asparagus Julia picked yesterday, plus local cheeses, and our own olives, and bread, of course. Remembered to take a photo, though rather miffed at the washing in the background, but no time to sort it. This was the only part of the meal they were familiar with; they thanked us for giving them new dishes to try. Julia's cheesecake was a total hit, they took two tubs back with them as well as second helpings here. 

They are part of a team of 61 students from Évora Uni, here on mission for a week, the second of three years they will come to Mourão. They visit the schools and care homes, and do door-to-door as well. Sleep on the floor and have only four (cold) showers between them, at the fire station. As one of them sat back after the meal with a cigarette and a glass of wine, we thought, different from the missions our church does. Not to mention the addition to our dinner table, see front centre. They led us in a lovely grace before the meal.

Off in a bit for our usual Saturday meal with the Padre, and then a play that the mission team are putting on at 21:30.

- the weather being warm enough to sit outside, so much more space
- these lovely young folk giving up a week of their holidays to bless Mourão
- that the food all turned out well; that they liked it, and no-one was allergic to peanuts or anything else

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