Just flagging it up

It seems that we are in the minority, but I am with Arachne on this one. Please read the discussion there.
It’s those little flags that have popped up alongside people when they comment on photos
·      I dislike nationalistic flag-waving
·      I want to judge and be judged on the basis of my photos alone  
·     If I am intrigued by an image, I may look at the persons biography to see if it adds context
·      I dislike the intrusive primary colour design of the flag buttons. (Seeing the first St George’s cross I thought the person was a qualified first aider)
·     While I am at it, I don’t like the Dollar sign badges praising me because I am well-off enough to be a donor.
You can’t please all the people all of the time, so:
·      I am glad that I can choose not to have a flag, yet retain a country label in my biography
·     Those flags could perhaps be replaced by letters. Eg UK, DE
·     How about a “tagless” option where I can choose not to see any of these tags/icons/medals when we receive comments?

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