The bloom which is emerging from the center of this spiky aloe is definitely beginning to feel the pinch.

Another day of strange sightings and uncomfortable situations. I got up in the dark to get ready for class, thought better of it and went back to bed. Alas, I couldn't go back to sleep so I got up again, threw on some clothes (not enough as it turns out for it was barely above freezing) and dashed off to class. 

It was almost worth the mad dash just to see a whole flock of turkeys, hens and toms in full regalia, walking along the sidewalk in front of the studio...the one place I don't have a camera. Wild turkeys, especially the hens,  are quite a common sight at home, but in front of a busy shopping center downtown...not so much. The toms were in full plumage prompting a woman in the class to say she wished men would go to that much trouble to impress her! Fat chance, I thought, not in the day of #me too.

I had less than an hour before meeting a friend for a walk...not quite enough time to go home and change, so I went to Acre for a much needed coffee. A man sitting by the door was having a very loud, very animated conversation. I thought he was on the phone but it turns out he was talking to an invisible companion. It seemed to be a fairly amiable exchange, but when I heard the name Trump come up I thought it prudent to leave...

We didn't get far on our walk as it started to rain almost immediately. A passing woman said it was certainly because she had left her umbrella at home. We carried on for awhile, but despite two shirts, a sweatshirt and my trusty Costco down jacket plus a very long knitted scarf it wasn't warm and my fingers were numb, probably because I left my gloves at home. In the end, we threw in the proverbial towel and repaired to my house for another coffee. 

In the end, I think all any of us wanted was to be at home in front of the fire which is where I am right now. I think OilMan and I will be having what I refer to as a 'peanuts and potatoes' dinner since neither of us wants to go to the store....

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