
I have had one of those days where I haven't stopped since I got up this morning and I'm so tired I can hardly type!
After dropping the Little Misses off at school I came back, did a quick tidy up (the tip of the iceberg in a house that suddenly seems to be a complete disaster area!), a bit of washing up, put a load of laundry on, popped into the garden for a quick Blip and then went to Zumba.
Where I was just as awful as usual! But on the plus side there was a new woman standing next to me and she was worse! Woohoo!!
Then I went to lunch with the lovely Mrs D, ate my body weight in curly fries (undoing all the good work I'd done at Zumba!) gossiped for a couple of hours and set the world to rights.
Then it was to Tescos - because I keep forgetting to do an online order and the cupboards were bare!
I was a little bit leisurely in my shopping and didn't notice it was after 4pm and I should have collected the Little Misses, oops!
So it was quickly home with the shopping and on to school.
Home, dinner, homework, school card writing, jim-jams, teeth, books and bed for the Little Misses.
Then pilates for me. Home at 9pm for curry and hour of TV and bed.
And I'd forgotten that it was the first day of the mini challenge today. Not a great start!
But when I was taking this shot I was struck by that complete stillness and quiet you get on cold, frosty mornings.
A moment's peace in an otherwise hectic day.

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