Christmas Lights

I have holly lights around the kitchen window, poinsetta lights on the back door, multi-coloured lights on the Little Misses' tree, white lights on our tree, red berry lights on the dining room window sill and these pearly, frondy lights on the living room window sill.
And tealights everywhere!
I do love a bit of Christmas twinkliness!
Miss L had swimming this morning. She is showing definite signs of improvement! And clearly loving it which is wonderful to see.
From there we went to Mrs R's new house. I did my usual trick of entering the postcode into the sat nav but not making a note of the actual address. So I was in the general vicinity but had no idea which house it was in the village.
I had no internet signal on my phone to check.
And Mrs R's phone went straight to voicemail.
And Mr K's phone went straight to voicemail.
Luckily Mrs C answered her phone - en route to Mrs R's house herself - and she gave me the address. Three times! For some reason the house name slipped out of my head as soon as I heard it!!
But I got there eventually and had a lovely afternoon. As ever with Mrs R and Mrs C.
Then it was back to get Miss E, home with her, back out to the post office, home for a bit and then back out to Fat Club.
Two and a half pounds off this week. Woohoo!!!! Eight pounds since I started which give me a nice Christmas buffer!!!!
I may have accidentally had a chocolate muffin on my return.
Followed by my first mince pie of the year.

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