one look...

...says it all

on the boo's face

it's a combination of being - on guard and being watchful - she is ever living on edge - tiptoeing around, if kitties can do such - a thing in their kitty world - it's as though she just can never - seem to quite relax - be the carefree boo she was - before the great ceiling collapse happened - i know it will take time - as it will for me - to fully recover from all the effects - of this horrific tragedy in our lives - but as any mama will say - i just want to make it better for her - i wish i could smooth the memory - of those horrible sounds away

this too, is part of my grieving process - that i didn't do enough to protect - the boo on that day and now she - suffers the consequences - however, we're in it together because - i am just as on guard as she is - and little by little we will get to...


happy day.....

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