
3.2C and reasonably bright. Very thin layer of cloud stopping the sun breaking through.
Temperature dropping quickly in the afternoon.

Maeve the Deerhound and I had our usual walk today. Not much breeze but it felt cold. We didn't see a soul until we got back round and into the streets towards the end of our route.

We stopped in the field so I could get some more close up shots of the trailer. I like all the worn bits and the cracked old paint with lichens and moss. As we walked away down the field and I was putting my camera away I noticed Maeve standing still, looking into the distance. I took a quick snap.

I'd love to know what she was thinking about.
I don't think this is a great photo, but I just like it so I posted it.
Maybe you'll like it. After all ... it is Maeve the Deerhound :-)

Later there will be giant chocolate buttons :-)

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