horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Chained Monster

Well, we have to keep him chained up otherwise the house is in danger.

More relaxed day at work. I'd responded to the usual rubbish form the boss yesterday (an email from half way round the world) in fairly strong terms, and perhaps most importantly by copying in one of the other directors on my response. So nothing from him today, and he'll probably be in a sulk with me when he's back in on Monday. Ah well.

It felt decidedly spring-ish on a lunchtime wander today, with plenty blip opportunities (but for the fact that I wanted to play more with the light...).

Ignored for a phonecall

Festival Square Isolation

Goldie Lookalike

I may also have dobbed in some tramworks to the local rag on the basis that they've coned off an entire lane of traffic at Charlotte Square, in order to use it as a free car park. Ironically after those same workers had removed the parking spaces on that very stretch as the layout is changing. There is an argument from the company responsible that 'the workers have to be able to get to work'. Erm... Like everyone else who has to pay to park you mean? And the guy who had parked the brand new Jag XKR could probably have paid for parking for everyone there for the whole day...

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