this luminous life.

By Laura

Turn On The Light.

Bad Religion.

Originally, I was planning to use one of these pictures snapped in the library while I was bored at work. My job consists of going through each book one by one and making sure it's there on the shelf. If it's not, I circle the book title on a list that I have. On a hard day of work, I go through 2,000 books in two hours. Most days, I'm lazy and go through 500-1,000. It's not as boring as it sounds. I've found cool books on the shelves this way, and spend some of my time just reading or wandering the library. Anyway, when I saw the photos on the computer, the light bulb one appealed to me the most. So it won.

Class today was very interesting. We discovered how our bodies are shaped as we pronounce vowels. Then we experimented with the three basic, natural vowel noises: "Ahh, Oooh, Eee" and tried to match words in different vowel combinations. After we each wrote a list of words, we laid on the floor in a circle--heads to the middle--and sang our words out. It was a "Babble Choir." We really did sound ridiculous, singing out words such as "Naughty shoebox, wasabi" in a cacaphony of sorts. Still amusing, most people left class still singing in the hallway.

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