this luminous life.

By Laura

Cancer for the Cure.

The Eels.

The evening of April 13-morning of April 14th marked my university's Relay for Life 2007. I chose to participate this year as part of my radio station's team. During the course of 18 hours, someone has to be walking around the track at all times, and the teams were usually created from school organizations (or faculty). We were supposed to stay in the field house for 18 hours straight--it was almost like a giant slumber party. Myself, I only stayed for the opening ceremony, and then a few hours in the night when I was signed up to walk. More people I knew arrived later in the night to partake in the festivities--it was kind of nice seeing many people I knew all rallying for the same thing. I think this is the first time here where I've seen people from all different social groups and oganizations willing to do the same thing.

There was also a Luminera ceremony (photo from another college), in which we all had to sit outside at the football field and hear people sing Amazing Grace and other songs. Then we took a walk around the track and looked at the candles lighting the way with the names of cancer survivors (and unsurvivors) on it. Some people started to break down and cry-- made me slightly uncomfortable. The candles also spelled out the word, "HOPE" and I thought it would have been an amazing blip but the camera didn't cooperate.

Back inside at the track, people spent most of the time playing video games (guitar hero, mario kart, dance dance revolution, and wii games). People were playing volleyball, twirling batons, beanbag tossing, frisbee. Some of the general events included band performances, waxing a guy's chest (he was trying to imitate Steve Carrell from 40 Year-Old Virgin. it wasn't funny), and a non-professional drag show in which students dressed up and competed for Mr. and Mrs. Relay for Life 2007. This photo I posted is taken from when we played Scrabble for a little bit. Just a little bit-- then people became distracted with other events.

I'll probably do this again next year.

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