Is there something under there

Maddy always think shes found something she will spend ages like that.

Well we had a favourable quote for the removal of the tree he gave us 25% discount because we were pensioners. That was complete removal and all the wood taken away. He also pointed out another tree that needed topping, which we knew did, and said he would leave his card when he had done the conifer and if we decided to have it done to ring him , i asked a price he said £380 so i said later if he did it at the same time what price then, so he knocked off the £80. Can't say fairer than that. He cut up the piece that had fallen to relieve the weight on the fence and they are coming to start on the main tree Monday 7.30am. So pray no high winds this weekend.

Lovely day hope this weather holds. The dogs didn't need their jumpers on and i shed a layer of clothing too.

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