A day in the life

By Shelling


Along one of my walks I go through a small forrest. It's still quite wet in places so the little brook is at its peak this time of year, in the summer it's completely dried out. In the sunny morning, reflections of the trees were so clear against the brownish humus saturated water. The sun-spots gave depth and you could see the rocks at the bottom of the stream, constantly changing in the light and the moving of the water. I have to put in an extra because I spent a long time there, reflecting.

The evening was spent in the company of friends. We saw a dance performance in Växjö, an hour by train from Kalmar. The Batsheva Dance Company from Israel was performing "Venezuela", about conflict and miscommunication. As always with dance performances, I'm more thrilled about the music they chose and how it functions with the dancers. I can't quite follow what the dancers are saying with their bodies, I just take it all in as a visual experience set to music. In this case they did one dance-piece of just over half and hour but they did it twice, in succession, with completely different music the second time. The first time to Gregorian music, the second time to quite aggressive rap music. The effect was enormous. I won't try to interpret the performance, I don't think understanding is as interesting as the impression it made. A day well spent.

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