midwife crisis

By lulubelle

onestreet, one shop, one customer

I'm not sure this strictly counts as onestreet, as I'm not outside , but inside TJ's shop in Schull High Street?! Whilst having tea and a catch up with Mel, I blipped an interesting character that came into the wholefood shop and proceeded to tell some 'high' tales of his hippie days. This was after he'd had a very very good long sniff on neat tea tree oil! TJ's shop invites characters and chatters, it's so full of goodies and just does have a rather special feel about it.
I realise that street photography is going to be quite a challenge. My natural inclination today was definitely to be surreptitious, this lead to me getting several strange looks and it felt wrong to be caught out- the butcher looked up from his whistling work and didn't look very impressed at all by my sneaky shots, shame it was a rubbish picture! I'll need to redeem myself with a chicken bulk buy and explanation tomorrow! These are people from my small community; I think I'll need to be mindful and interact or at least ask for an invisibility cloak for Xmas!

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