Welcome Driver 1

At last, after months of test drives and deliberations over what to get, Mr W has finally bought a new car after selling his Audi that he won. He traded in the BMW X3 for a newer model. And thankfully he's very happy with it. So thats it now. He has a new(er) bike and a new car and helped pay for my new car and we are all sorted for a few years. No more test drives, no more "I could get one of those" with every car we pass - yawn! Just 2 nice new black SUV's.

Even Bella was lucky enough to have a front seat drive to the garden centre!! We took her for a nice 'carry' to help get her socialized. Although she doesn't need socializing with people - she wags her tail with anyone that looks remotely in her direction and at least 5 people stopped for a stroke and a chat!!

Back home now catching up on blip while she sleeps and Mr W watches Squash on You Tube on the TV. I am well and truly a squash widow but thats ok, hes a Blip widow.....!!!

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